
Specialized, Comprehensive & Empowering

Business English in London

Case overview Are you a manager or leader in a multinational company where English serves as tool of communication? Do you recognise the pivotal role of mastering English, particularly Business English, in excelling within today’s global business landscape? Our Exchange Programme is tailored for professionals like yourself, dedicated to enhancing their English proficiency and leadership…

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Image of an executive engaged in a one-on-one coaching session focused on Business English.
Online Business English: for Leadership

For Multinational Leaders! Welcome to our Leadership English Communication programme, tailored specifically for leaders who speak English as a second language and aim to excel in international business environments. At Skillcets, we understand the significance of effective communication in leadership roles and acknowledge the unique challenges encountered by non-native English speakers. Our programme is customised…

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Online Business English: Confidence Building

Unleash Your Potential with Tailored Executive Business English Coaching! Our training programme is designed to equip participants with the skills, techniques, and mindset necessary to excel in public speaking engagements. Participants will explore various aspects of public speaking, including content organization, vocal delivery, body language, and audience engagement. Each session is carefully structured to provide…

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Image of IVirtual Collaboration in a Global Business Setting, Enhanced by Skillcets' Programmes in Business English, Cultural Intelligence, Leadership, and Inclusion for International Environments.
Online Business English: Communication Skills

Unleash Your Potential with Tailored Executive Business English Coaching! As an executive in a global organization, you already understand the pivotal role of effective communication and cross-cultural competence. Mastering these skills is essential for your continued success. However, as a non-native English speaker, you face unique challenges, particularly in cross-cultural interactions. Imagine a scenario: You’re…

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